Saturday, August 10, 2013


As mentioned in my previous post I try to make sense and succeed most times. Maybe sometimes. Let's just say I try as much as I can.

So I like to write and doodle every now and then, like most. I go back once a while and have a read of what I wrote. Safe to say I get what I was writing about but sometimes I think if I got A from the street to read this would they understand?

Since I don't have much guts to go to said A I try and read without context and take words to mean whatever is on that page. In the end I figured including a post script say something like, "PS. Just passing thoughts of a hungry horse between meals.'' It might make more sense just a little. Probably.

I stumbled on to some songs that have the feel or in some cases clearer meaning to some of what I'd written.That brought to mind the popular quote, 'When words fail music speaks.'

For now though I plan to just try and improve my vocab somewhat, no singing. To that end my current reading list has How to Solve Sudoku: A Step-by-Step Guide and Much Ado About Nothing: The Restored Klingon Text? I fib.

I started re-reading Black Beauty a favorite classic of mine and am being open minded for my read after that.

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